
Eco-products Directory 2010



The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) has been expanding its role and contributions in addressing the challenges of achieving sustainable growth through its Green Productivity (GP) Program. GP is a tailored program that caters to the needs of member countries to increase productivity while avoiding external diseconomies in the 21st century. The program comprises knowledge- and skill-imparting activities such as training courses, seminars, and workshops, as well as large-scale public events such as the Eco-products International Fairs (EPIFs) and publication of the Eco-products Directory.

The Eco-products Directory focuses on promoting the concept and practice of environmentally responsible purchasing among enterprises and consumers in the region. The first Eco-products Directory debuted at the EPIF in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2004, with five subsequent volumes published annually up to 2009. This sixth edition of the Eco-products Directory was published in conjunction with the opening of the EPIF 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia, in March. 500 copies were distributed to the chiefs of state and cabinet members of governments in the APO membership and beyond. The user-friendliness of the latest edition was increased by featuring more detailed descriptions to facilitate purchasing decisions that will result in a smarter, more sustainable society.

Starting from 754 eco-products and eco-services listed in the 2004 directory, each new volume has included a wider range of more listings. Among more than 1,000 data entries submitted, the present Eco-products Directory contains 1,000 ecoproducts and -services developed by environmentally advanced enterprises, of which nearly 550 are categorized as energy saving, more than 550 as effective in preventing global warming, and around 450 as helping to reduce the consumption of resources. I hope that this publication will contribute to an appreciation and expansion of ecoproduct and -service markets in the Asia-Pacific region.

Our sincere thanks go to Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto, Chairperson of the Committee on the Eco-products Database, and all members of the working group for their dedicated leadership and efforts that made this publication possible. 

Shigeo Takenaka, Secretary-General
Tokyo, January 2010

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